Privacy Policy

Privacy & Cookie Policy

View our Cookie Policy here (will open a new window).

You can also manage your cookie preferences at anytime by opening the 'Manage Cookies' link at the bottom of this page within the 'Need Help' section.

View Privacy Policy below

Cookie Policy

How this website uses Cookies

On 26th May 2012, an EU directive was imposed by the UK's Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), with a view to protecting the privacy of internet users. This law states that websites need to provide a clear and comprehensive guide to the use of Cookies. Cookies are small text files placed on your computer, in this case by QD Stores, that help organise and store browsing information. This website uses nine Cookies which are detailed below:-




session-id QD Commercial Group Stores the id of the current users session.
user-number QD Commercial Group Stores the users id when the 'Stay logged in' option is ticked during logon.
username QD Commercial Group Store the users email address when the 'Remember username' option is ticked during login.
ipos-recent QD Commercial Group Stores a list of recently viewed products/categories.
product-view QD Commercial Group Stores whether the user has selected the 'Grid' or 'List' view option on product pages.
results-per-page QD Commercial Group Stores how many results per page to display on product pages.
sorting QD Commercial Group Stores the chosen sorting order on product pages.
post-code QD Commercial Group Stores the entered Post Code when checking Click and Collect stock availability.
customer-activity QD Commercial Group Stores interest and basket activity when a customer logs into their account, signs up for newsletters or opt in to emails during the checkout out process.
session-id QD Commercial Group Stores the id of the current users session.
__utma Google Analytics Used to distinguish users and sessions.
__utmb Google Analytics Used to determine new sessions/visits.
__utmz Google Analytics Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how a user reaches our site.
__utmv Google Analytics Used to store visitor-level custom variable data.


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